Friday, February 01, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

5G4REAL: A Tech Cold War?

The US charged Huawei with bank fraud, intellectual property theft and violation of sanctions against Iran. The buildout of 5G networks is a central player in this escalating tech (and economic) cold war between the US and China.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Verizon Gets Serious About Edge Computing

Verizon's edge computing tests could signal that the nation's largest wireless network operator is serious about the possibilities around edge computing, and could well invest money into a commercial deployment of the technology.

Podcast: Bundle Up, Everyone. Pay-TV Is a Cold, Cold Business

The world of pay-TV is an unholy mess, and no one is better at keeping up with the players, plans and problems than Light Reading's Jeff Baumgartner. In this podcast, Jeff joins Phil Harvey for a chat about how cable providers are using mobile, why adding Netflix to your set-top isn't a bad idea and what kind of subscribers aren't worth chasing.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019

ACE Slays the Dragon Box

Legal group backed by Netflix, Amazon, NBCU, CBS and other major programmers and content players force a $14.5 million settlement and subsequent shutdown of another video piracy threat.

GDPR net starting to get very wide

Eight months after the introduction of GDPR decisions are starting to emerge from the first complaints. The breadth and depth of the complaints is starting to look revolutionary for the digital economy.

Sunday, January 27, 2019
